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Chapter 3 Working with Document Parts 67
Note: If you downloaded Pages from the Mac App Store, you may need to install the
Pages EndNote Plug-in. For details, please see the Knowledge Base article, Pages and
EndNote Plug-in.
To add and edit a citation:
1 Place the insertion point where you want the citation to appear in your document, and
choose Insert > EndNote Citation.
EndNote X2 automatically opens, and the Find EndNote Citations window appears.
2 Type text into the Find Citation eld, and press Return to search your EndNote X2
library for corresponding citations.
Narrow your search by clicking the magnifying glass in the Find Citation eld and
selecting a search option.
Sort the citations by clicking a column heading.
3 Select the options for how the citations will appear in your document from the Find
EndNote Citations window controls.
Select the Author or Year checkboxes to hide the author or year information in
the citation.
Enter a page range in the Citation Range eld to have the citation in the document
display a page range.
Type text in the Prex and Sux elds that you want to appear before or after
a citation.
Select “In Bibliography only to add the citation to the bibliography, but not include it
in the document.
4 Select a citation from the list and click Insert. The citation is added to your document.
When you insert the rst citation in your document, a bibliography is added at the end
of your document. If your document already contains a bibliography, the bibliography
is updated to include the new citation.
5 To edit the format for citations and bibliographies, choose Edit > EndNote Citations >
Bibliography Format, and select a bibliography style option.
You can also choose Edit > EndNote Citations > Manage Citations, and then select a
bibliography style option from the Bibliography pop-up menu.
6 To delete a citation in your document, select the citation and press Delete.
You can also double-click the bibliography, select the citation in the Manage Citations
window, and click Delete (–).
The citation is deleted from the document and the bibliography is updated.
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