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If you want to set a custom paper size, choose Manage Custom Sizes from the pop-up
menu. Otherwise, go to step 7.
Choose a printer to set
its default page margins.
Create a new custom
paper size.
Duplicate a selected paper size.
Delete a selected
paper size.
4 Click the Add (+) button, and then enter values in the Page Size elds.
Either choose your printer’s default margins from the pop-up menu, or enter your own
values for margins in the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom elds.
If you want to change the custom size’s name, double-click the name in the list and
enter a new name.
5 Click OK.
6 Choose the new paper size you named from the Paper Size pop-up menu, and then
click OK.
7 Select an orientation option using one of the buttons at the bottom of the Page
Setup dialog.
8 To make an image larger or smaller to ll more or less of the paper, type a percentage
value into the Scale eld, and then click OK.
A value less than 100% makes the image smaller; a value greater than 100% makes the
image larger.
Previewing a Document Before Printing It
To make sure everything is laid out the way you expect, it’s a good idea to preview a
document onscreen before you print it.
To preview a document for printing using Mac OS X 10.4:
1 Choose File > Print, and then click the Preview button in the Print dialog.
Preview shows what individual document pages will look like when printed. It doesn’t
show the eects of some layout options, such as borders.
2 Select SoftProof at the bottom-left corner of the Preview window to take your printer’s
capabilities into account.
254 Chapter 12 Printing, Sharing, and Exporting Your Document to Other Formats
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