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To resize by specifying exact dimensions, click Inspector in the toolbar, and then click m
the Metrics button. In this pane, you can specify a new width and height, control the
angle of rotation, and change the table’s distance from the margins.
If a table spans more than one page, you must use the Metrics inspector to resize
the table.
To resize by adjusting the dimensions of rows and columns, see m Resizing Table Rows
and Columns on page 188.
Moving Tables
You can move a table by dragging it, or you can relocate a table using the
Metrics inspector.
Here are ways to move a table:
To move a oating table, select the table and drag. m
To move an inline table, click the table to select it, and then drag it until the insertion m
point appears where you want the table in the text.
You can also select the table and choose Edit > Cut. Place the insertion point where
you want the table to appear, and then choose Edit > Paste.
To constrain the movement to horizontal, vertical, or 45 degrees, hold down the Shift m
key as you drag.
To move a table more precisely, click any cell, click Inspector in the toolbar, click the m
Metrics button, and then use the Position elds to relocate the table.
To copy a table and move the copy, hold down the Option key, press at the edge of an m
unselected table or an entire table that’s selected, and drag.
Enhancing the Appearance of Tables
You can apply color, use images, and use other formatting techniques to enhance the
visual appeal of your tables.
Here are ways to enhance a tables appearance:
You can ll the background of an entire table or individual cells with dierent kinds of m
color eects or with an image. See Filling an Object with a Solid Color” on page 171
and “Filling an Object with an Image” on page 173 for instructions.
You can change the thickness and color of borders around a table and its cells, as m
“Formatting Table Cell Borders on page 199 describes.
You can adjust the attributes of text in table cells, including header and footer cells. m
See “Formatting Text Size and Appearance on page 82 and “Setting Text Alignment,
Spacing, and Color” on page 90 for details.
180 Chapter 8 Using Tables
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