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5 Place an insertion point before or after the element, and then type your text, including
spaces if required. You can click the element and use the Left Arrow and Right Arrow
keys to place the insertion point.
When you type “Need to update address” into a eld with this format, the value is
displayed like this: Notify customer: Need to update address.
6 In the Name eld, type a name for your text format.
Custom format names are listed in the Cell Formats pop-up menu in the Format pane
of the Table inspector.
7 Click OK to save your text format and apply it to the selected cells.
Changing a Custom Cell Format
Here are ways to change custom formats and apply changes to table cells:
To change the elements associated with a custom format that’s been applied to cells, m
select the cells and click Show Format in the Format pane of the Table inspector.
To delete an element, select the element in the format eld, and then press Delete.
To add an element, drag an element into the format eld.
To move an element, drag it around in the format eld.
To redene an element, click the element’s disclosure triangle, and then choose an
option from the pop-up menu.
After making your changes, do one of the following:
To save the changed format and apply it to selected cells using the same name, click OK,
and then click Replace.
To save the changed format as a new format and apply it to selected cells, change the
format name, and then click OK.
218 Chapter 9 Working with Table Cells
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