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Using Hyperlinks and Bookmarks
Hyperlinks and bookmarks are used in documents that will be viewed onscreen, either
as HTML les or as Pages documents. You can add hyperlinks to jump to another page
or to open an email message or a webpage on the Internet. Use bookmarks to mark
passages in the document that you want to refer to as you work.
To learn about Go to
Using a webpage hyperlink to go to a web
Linking to a Webpage on page 110
Linking to a new email message with the
specied subject and addressee
Linking to a Preaddressed Email Message on
page 111
Using a bookmark hyperlink to go to another
page in the same document
Linking to Other Pages in a Document on
page 111
Creating a hyperlink to another Pages document Linking to Another Pages Document on
page 11 2
Changing an existing hyperlink Editing Hyperlink Text on page 11 3
Linking to a Webpage
You can add a hyperlink that opens a webpage in your default web browser.
To add hypertext that opens a webpage:
1 Select the text that you want to turn into a hyperlink.
If you use text that starts with “www or “http,” the text automatically becomes a
hyperlink. To turn o this feature, choose Pages > Preferences, click Auto-Correction,
and deselect Automatically detect email and web addresses.” This setting is computer
specic, so if the document is opened on a computer with a dierent setting, that
computer’s setting is used instead.
2 Click Inspector in the toolbar, click the Link button, click Hyperlink, and then select
“Enable as a hyperlink.”
3 Choose Webpage from the Link To pop-up menu.
4 Type the webpages address in the URL eld.
Type the URL that you want
to link to.
The Link inspector button
Select to disable all
hyperlinks so that you
can easily edit them.
11 0 Chapter 5 Working with Text
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