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Chapter 13 Designing Your Own Document Templates 271
When selecting blocks of text, be careful not to select the nal paragraph break
character. Doing so causes the entire paragraph to be deleted when the user begins
typing in the placeholder text, and the new text takes on the attributes of the
following paragraph. To see the paragraph break character as you work, click View in
the toolbar, and then choose Show Invisibles.
To remove placeholder text, select it, and then press the Delete key.
To create a media placeholder:
1 Add an image, movie, or audio le to the document.
See Working with Images” on page 13 8 ,Adding a Sound File” on page 153 , and
Adding a Movie File on page 154 for instructions.
2 Select the imported object and move it to the location where you want it in the
document, as “Moving and Positioning Objects” on page 15 8 describes.
3 Format the imported object, as About Manipulating, Arranging, and Changing the
Look of Objects on page 15 7 describes.
4 Select the object, and then choose Format > Advanced > “Dene as Media
To delete a media placeholder, select it, and then press the Delete key.
Adding Sections to a Custom Template
You can make your template expandable so that Word Processing template users can
simply insert additional sections by using the Pages button in the toolbar, as described
in Adding New Template Pages” on page 80.
To create template sections that users can add:
1 Design a layout of one or more pages, inserting a section break at the beginning and
end of the layout.
2 Choose Format > Advanced > Capture Pages. A dialog opens.
3 Type a name for the template section.
4 Choose the number of pages you want to include in the page design from the Include
pop-up menu.
5 Click OK.
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