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Chapter 3 Working with Document Parts 49
3 Select “Keep lines together.”
In a page layout document, text is contained in text boxes. For more information about
linking text boxes, see Linking Floating Text Boxes on page 106.
Inserting a Manual Line Break
You can use a manual line break, also called a soft return, if you want to start a new line
without starting a new paragraph.
To insert a manual line break:
1 Click where you want the break to occur.
2 Press Return while holding down the Shift key.
Preventing Widow and Orphan Lines
You can prevent the rst line of a paragraph from appearing alone at the bottom of a
page (called a widow line) or the last line of a paragraph from appearing alone at the
top of a page (called an orphan line).
To prevent widow and orphan lines in a paragraph:
1 Click the paragraph in which you want to prevent a widow or orphan.
2 Click Inspector in the toolbar, click the Text button, and then click More.
3 Select “Prevent widow & orphan lines.”
Using Layouts
In Pages, you can vary the design in a page layout document by creating columns in text
boxes, and in a word processing document through layouts separated by layout breaks.
For more information about working with text boxes in page layout documents, see
Using Text Boxes, Shapes, and Other Eects to Highlight Text on page 104.
In a word processing document, layouts are separated by layout breaks. A layout is
part of a document in which you’ve dened specic column attributes and space
around the columns, called the layout margin.
You can have multiple layouts in a section of your document, or even on a single page.
To learn about Go to
Creating columns and controlling text ow from
one column to another
Dening Columns on page 50
Dening Column Breaks on page 51
Changing layout characteristics in a word
processing document
Dening Layout Breaks on page 51
Dening Layout Margins on page 52
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