Container Views
2-28 How Views Work
How Views Work 2
Container views provide immediate feedback about actions a user may take,
such as opening, closing, moving, and scrolling. The remainder of this chapter
describes these behaviors.
Opening Container Views 2
Opening a container view makes it visible and gives the user access to it
(unless it is partly or completely obscured by another container view that’s
already open). Some of an application’s container views open in response to
user actions. Tapping an icon in the Extras Drawer may open an application’s
main view; tapping a button, tapping a text label marked with a black
diamond, or choosing from a picker may open a plain slip, a confirmation
alert, or a palette. In addition, an application may open status slips,
notification alerts, and other views on its own.
View Display Order 2
A Newton user can keep more than one application open at a time (memory
permitting). Each open application has its own pile of container views. At the
bottom of an application’s pile of views is its main view. An application’s
auxiliary views appear on top of the main view in the order in which they
were opened. (Technically, it is the application base view that contains all of
an application’s other views. Usually the main view is the base view, but you
can organize your application differently if necessary.)
A user can bring a view with a matte border and drag handle to the front by
tapping the drag handle.
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