Apple Computer Network Router 2 User Manual Page 295

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Page view 294
sound 8-6
status slip 2-20
user testing 1-3
views 2-3
field label
capitalization 6-2
font 6-2
highlighting 4-11
position 6-2
puncuation 6-2
Filing button
location 8-15
nothing to file 8-15
purpose 3-27, 8-14
Filing service
Filing button and slip 3-27, 8-14
folders 8-14
received items 7-28
summarized 8-13
Filing services
folder tab 8-19
Filing slip
contents 8-16
editing folders 8-18
folders 8-16
headings 8-17
purpose 3-27, 8-14
scope 8-15
storage locations 8-16
fill, view 2-9
Find service
canceling a search 8-11
date searches 8-8
Find button 8-6
Find slip 8-7, 8-9
initiating a search 8-11
overview 8-11
scope of search 8-8
scrolling found items 8-13
search results 8-11
status 8-11
summarized 8-6
text searches 8-7
folders 8-14, 8-16, 8-18
folder tab 2-10, 8-19
input field 6-2
list picker 4-4
overview picker 4-20
separator bar 2-12
text button 3-3
view title 2-5
forced recognition 6-19
forgiveness, as design principle 1-8
Format picker 7-20
shapes 6-14
text 6-9
four-way scrolling 2-41
frame. See border
general input 6-14
breaking paragraphs 6-26
capitalization change 6-31
duplicating selection 6-31
inserting space 6-26
joining words 6-26
new entry 2-12
recognition of 6-15
scrubbing 6-24
selecting text and graphics 6-22
global scroll arrows 2-38
graphic input 6-13
gravity 6-13
gray text 4-5
grid, in picker 4-4
Page view 294
1 ... 294 295 296 ... 307

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