Routing and Communications
7-10 Routing Outgoing Items
In a view where an Action button can only affect one data item of several
that may be displayed (perhaps by scrolling the view), there should be an
Action button above each item, at the right side of the view. Generally, such a
view has a separator bar above each data item, and an Action button should
be at the right end of each separator bar. For example, each note in the
Notepad application has its own Action button, which applies just to that
note. Figure 7-6 shows an example of Action buttons above each data item
in a view.
Figure 7-6 An Action button above an item affects only that item
Action Picker Contents 7
An Action picker lists the routing actions available for the particular class of
data that is currently selected. There are two types of routing actions that can
appear in an Action picker:
■ Routing actions corresponding to transports installed in the Newton
device, such as Print, Fax, Beam, and Mail
■ Application-defined actions, such as Delete and Duplicate, that do not
involve the In/Out Box or a transport
Actions based on transports that work with the type of data being routed are
listed at the top of an Action picker. Application-defined action commands
appear at the bottom of an Action picker, below a separator line. Figure 7-7
illustrates the two parts of an Action picker.
ction button on
separator bar
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