3-16 Radio Buttons
picture buttons, but do not use a large Close box in a slip with an OK or Yes
button. Instead, use a Cancel button (see “Naming Cancel- and Stop-Action
Buttons” on page 3-5). Figure 3-16 shows where to use a large Close box and
where not to use one.
Figure 3-16 Where to use a large Close box
Radio Buttons 3
A radio button is a control that displays a setting that can be either on or off.
Each radio button is part of a group in which only one radio button can be
on at a time. (The inverse arrangement, in which only one button is off, is
also possible, but is not described separately in this book because it is logically
equivalent to the normal arrangement.)
Use a large Close box in a status bar or in a
view where it is aligned with text or picture
Do not use a large Close box in a simple
main view, a slip, or other view where there
are no adjacent buttons
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