Newton Services
8-8 Find
Date Searches 8
Date searches find items dated before, after, or on the date specified in the
Find slip. To specify a date, a user taps the date shown in the Find slip. This
pops up a standard Date picker, as shown in Figure 8-7.
Figure 8-7 Specifying a date in a Find slip
The Scope of a Search 8
The system-supplied Find slip always contains radio buttons labeled
Everywhere and Selected. If the currently active application supports the
Find service, it is represented by a radio button in this slip as well.
To search just the currently active application, a user selects its radio button
in the Find slip. To search all available applications registered with the Find
service, a user selects the Everywhere radio button in the Find slip. In this
case, applications need not be open to be searched.
To search some applications and not others, a user taps the Selected radio
button in the Find slip. Tapping the Selected radio button causes a checklist
to appear at the top of the Find slip. Included in the list are all currently
available applications that are registered with the Find service. The user can
tap items in the list to place a check mark next to those applications in which
. User taps the
ate to pop up a
ate picker
. Then selects a
ate in the Date
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