84 Chapter 8 Setting Up the Software Update Service
Before Setting Up Software Update
Before you set up Software Update, consider the following topics.
Consider Which Software Update Packages to Offer
Before you set up the Software Update service, consider whether to provide all or
only part of Apple’s software updates. Your client computers might run application
software that requires a specific version of Apple software for the application to
operate correctly.
You can configure your Software Update server to serve only Software Update
packages you approve. Restricting access to update packages might help prevent
maintenance and compatibility problems with your computers.
You can restrict client access in a Software Update server by disabling automatic
mirror-and-enable functions in the General Settings pane. You manage specific updates
in the Updates pane of the Software Update server.
Software Update Storage
Software updates can easily take a large amount of disk space over time and cause
problems with system resources. In a production environment, it is important to
prevent the system disk from becoming full and causing instability.
To eliminate the possibility of software updates filling a volume, system administrators
normally limit the type of data being stored on the root partition and place any data
that could grow substantially in size on other partitions. For example, you could use an
Xserve RAID to store your software updates.
All software updates must be stored in the /usr/share/swupd/html/ folder to make
them available to client computers. To store software updates in a different location,
use a symbolic link to a separate partition or volume.
A symbolic link is a specific kind of file that points to another file, much like an alias.
Using a symbolic link allows software updates to be served from alternate locations as
if they were in the /usr/share/swupd/html/ folder.
Important: Before creating a symbolic link to the software update folder, stop the
Software Update service and move or delete the /usr/share/swupd/html/ folder.
Move the software update folder if you have already downloaded updates to the folder
and want to keep them.
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