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Chapter 2 Creating NetBoot and NetInstall Images 33
To configure the Customize Package Selection workflow action:
1 From your System Image Utility workflow, select the Customize Package Selection
action in the Automator Library and drag it into position in your workflow.
2 Enable or disable the installation of software packages using the Visible column.
Select the checkbox in the Visible column to enable the software package. If enabled,
the user can install the package from your image during installation.
Deselect the checkbox in the Visible column to disable the software package. If
disabled, the user cannot choose whether the package gets installed or not.
3 Require or prevent the installation of software packages using the Default and Visible
To require the installation of the software package, select the checkbox in the Default
column and deselect the checkbox in the Visible column. The user cannot alter the
package installation.
To prevent the installation of the software package, deselect the checkbox in the
Default column and deselect the checkbox in the Visible column. The user cannot see
the package and the package will not be installed.
Configuring the Define Image Source Action
Use this action to select the source volume and the type of image to create from it. This
action must be at the beginning of all image creation workflows.
This action is valid when creating NetBoot and NetInstall images.
To configure the Define Image Source workflow action:
1 From your System Image Utility workflow, select the Define Image Source action in the
Automator Library and drag it to the beginning of your workflow.
2 From the Source pop-up menu, select the image source.
When you select the source, this action will choose a default image type based on the
contents of the selected source.
Note: To create an image, you must have valid Mac OS X v10.5 image sources (either
volumes or installation DVDs). You cannot create an image of the startup disk you are
running on.
3 Choose NetBoot or NetInstall for the type of image you are creating.
Select NetBoot if your client computers will start up from this image.
Select NetInstall if your image will be installed on a computer disk drive.
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