76 Chapter 7 Understanding Software Update Administration
The process that starts Software Update service is SoftwareUpdateServer. When you
start Software Update service, it contacts Apple’s Software Update server and requests
a list of available software to download locally.
You can choose to copy (store packages locally) and enable (make the packages
available to users) any of the files presented in the list. You can also limit user
bandwidth for updates and choose to automatically copy and enable newer updates
from the Apple server.
Note: The Software Update service stores its configuration information in the file /etc/
When Software Update service starts, your Software Update server receives a list of
available software updates from the Apple Software Update service. Your server
synchronizes the contents of the software catalog with Apple’s Software Update server
when you restart your server or when you enter the following command:
$ /usr/local/bin/swupd_syncd
To manually update the current catalog, select Update List in the Updates pane of the
Software Update service settings.
Installation Packages
Software Update service supports only pkm.en file types, recognized only by
Mac OS X v10.4 and later. As you copy updates on your server, your server will
download and store update packages in the /usr/share/swupd/html/ folder.
Although this path is static and can’t be modified to store the packages in an alternate
location, you can change the URL to access a different server.
Note: This version of Mac OS X Server supports only Apple-specific software packages
for use with your update server. Modified Apple and third-party update software
packages cannot be shared.
After the packages are copied locally, you can enable the packages for users to update
their software. Mac clients running Software Update see only enabled packages in the
list of available software for their computer.
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