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50 Chapter 3 Setting Up NetBoot Service
6 Select Allow only clients listed below (deny others)” or “Deny only clients listed below
(allow others).”
7 Use the Add (+) button to enter the canonical or noncanonical form of a hardware
address to the filter list, or use the Delete (–) button to remove a MAC address from the
filter list.
To look up a MAC address, enter the client’s DNS name or IP address in the Host Name
field and click Search.
To find the hardware address for a computer using Mac OS X, look on the TCP/IP pane
of the computer’s Network preference or run Apple System Profiler.
8 Click OK.
9 Click Save.
Note: You can also restrict access to a NetBoot image by selecting the name of the
image in the Images pane of the NetBoot service settings in Server Admin, clicking the
Edit (/) button, and providing the required information.
Configuring Logging Settings
You can use the Logging settings to choose the level of detail that is recorded in the
service log.
To configure NetBoot Logging settings:
1 Open Server Admin and connect to the server.
2 Click the triangle to the left of the server.
The list of services appears.
3 From the expanded Servers list, select NetBoot.
4 Click Settings, then click Logging.
5 From the pop-up menu, choose the log detail level (Low, Medium, or High).
6 Click Save.
Starting NetBoot and Related Services
NetBoot service uses AFP, NFS, DHCP, Web, and TFTP services, depending on the types
of clients you’re trying to boot (see “Network Service Requirements” on page 46). You
can use Server Admin to start AFP, DHCP, Web, and NetBoot services. NFS and TFTP
services start automatically.
To start NetBoot service:
1 Open Server Admin and connect to the server.
2 Click the triangle to the left of the server.
The list of services appears.
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