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Page view 246
Index 247
numbered 96
locking objects 46, 135
magnifying the view 22
page 61
paragraph 95
setting for document 60
marks for footnotes and endnotes
changing 70
custom 70
predefined 70
masking images 128
master graphics 75, 235
master object 22, 72, 75, 235
media, importing files 125
Media Browser 42, 131
Metrics Inspector 155
Microsoft Word 34, 231
navigating through a document 31
new document selection 37
Non-breaking space icon 25
number formatting 178
numbering pages 67, 68
adjusting position 156
adjusting size 156
constrain proportions 156
fixed 43
flip horizontally/vertically 134
flipping and rotating 156
grouping/ungrouping 135
locking/unlocking 46, 135
moving backward/forward 134
moving fixed 133
moving inline 133
opacity 154
rotating 134
selecting all 135
selecting behind text 134
shadows 153
text wrapping 137, 138
opacity 154
arithmetic 193
comparison 194
ordered lists 97
orientation, page 61
original size 157
orphan lines 112
outlines. See ordered lists
deleting 51
orientation 61, 224
setting margins 61
page break icon 25
page layouts
creating and capturing 241
managing 241
page numbering
adding 68
discontinuous 72, 73
pages, additional 37
Page Setup 224
background color 82
borders 102
fill color 102
indent 96
margins 95
paragraph break icon 25
paragraph fill 113
paragraph formatting
using hyphenation 60
using ligatures 60
paragraph style
creating new 114
modifying 111
PDF 127, 231
Page view 246
1 ... 246 247 248 249 250

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