218 Chapter 10 Using Charts
Here are ways to format area charts and line charts:
m To format symbols, select a data series (area shape or line), click Inspector in the
toolbar, click the Chart Inspector button, and then click Series. Choose a symbol from
the Data Point Symbol pop-up menu.
Use the options on the Symbol Fill pop-up menu to add color or images to the
symbols. See “Filling an Object with an Image” on page 149 and “Filling an Object with
Color” on page 147 for instructions.
m To set the line color in line charts, select a line, click Inspector in the toolbar, click the
Graphic Inspector button, and then use the Stroke controls. See “Changing the Style of
Borders” on page 142 for instructions.
m To add shadows to line or area charts, select a data series (area shape or line), click
Inspector in the toolbar, click the Graphic Inspector button, and then use the Shadow
controls. See “Adding Shadows” on page 144 for instructions.
Scatter Charts
Scatter charts display data differently than the other kinds of charts. They require at
least two columns or rows of data to plot values for a single data series. To show
multiple data series, you use additional two-column or two-row pairs.
Each pair of values determines the position of one data point. The first data value in the
pair is the X-axis of the point. The second data value is the Y-axis of the point.
Here are ways to work with a scatter chart:
m To format a symbol for a data series, see “Formatting the Elements in a Data Series” on
page 213.
m To specify axis settings, use the Axis pane of the Chart Inspector. Because both axes of
scatter charts have values, value axis format settings apply to both X-axis and Y-axis.
Each axis can have its own number format. See “Formatting the Value Axis” on page 211
for instructions.
Choose a symbol to
use for data points.
Fill data point symbols
with color or images.
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