Apple Pages User's Guide Page 21

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Chapter 1 Pages Tools and Techniques 21
Formatting Characters (Invisibles)
Each time you press the Space bar, the Tab key, or the Return key, or add a column,
layout, page break, or section break, Pages inserts a formatting character in the
document. These formatting marks are called invisibles because, by default, you can’t
see them.
Making formatting characters visible is often useful, especially when youre formatting
a more complex document. For example, you can change your document format by
selecting an invisible and then pressing the Delete key to remove formatting.
To see invisibles:
1 Click View in the toolbar and choose Show Invisibles.
2 To make invisibles stand out better, you can change their color. Choose Pages >
Preferences, click General, click the Invisibles color well, and then select a color.
The table below shows what each formatting character represents.
Invisible character Represents
Nonbreaking space (Option-Space bar)
Line break (Shift-Return)
Paragraph break (Return)
Page break
Column break (page 46)
Layout break (page 46)
Section break (page 53)
Anchor point (for inline objects with text wrapping)
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