Apple Final Cut Pro X (10.1.2) User Manual Page 365

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Chapter 11 Keyingandcompositing 365
5 Do one of the following:
Drag the eect to the Timeline foreground clip to which you want to apply it.
Double-click the eect thumbnail to apply it to the selected clip.
The Luma Keyer eect automatically congures itself to remove black video. If the resulting key is
not right or you would like to improve it, you can adjust the luma key eect.
Adjust the luma key eect
The following steps assume you have applied the Luma Keyer eect.
1 In the Timeline, select the clip with the Luma Keyer eect.
2 Open the Video inspector.
The Eects section of the Video inspector shows the parameters available for adjusting the Luma
Keyer eect.
3 To reverse the key and remove white instead of black areas of the foreground clip, select Invert.
4 To adjust the white and black clip values, drag the handles at either end of the gradient
thumbnail image.
By default, these handles are set to provide a linear key where the luma level linearly controls the
transparency of the foreground—100% white is fully opaque, 0% black is completely transparent,
and 25% gray retains 25% of the foreground image. Dragging the white and black controls
changes the values that result in fully opaque or fully transparent foreground video.
5 To adjust the softness of the edges, adjust the Luma Rollo control.
Higher values make the edges harder, removing any partial transparency, while lower values take
advantage of any anti-aliasing or softness the edges might have.
6 To help ne-tune the key, use the View options:
Matte (foreground-based
alpha signal created
by the keyer)
(foreground combined
with background)
The name of the
currently selected
View button
67% resize factor
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