Chapter 9 Addtransitions,titles,eects,andgenerators 243
The eect appears as one of the animations in the Video Animation Editor above the clip. You
can click its checkbox to turn the eect o and on. Eects that have more than one adjustable
attribute also have a pop-up menu for you to choose the attribute to show and adjust.
effects with this
icon to vertically
expand them.
Choose a specific
effect adjustment from
this pop-up menu.
effect on and off.
3 To vertically expand the eect’s adjustment area, choose a specic eect adjustment from the
pop-up menu (if present) and double-click it.
This applies only to eect adjustments that have a single value. An icon appears on the right side
of the eect’s section if the adjustment can be expanded.
4 To have the eect’s setting fade in and out of the clip, drag the handles on either end of
the eect.
gradually apply the effect.
Drag this line
to adjust the
selected value.
You can also drag the horizontal line up and down to control the eect’s selected setting
(Amount, in the above example). Any keyframes you add also appear.
67% resize factor
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