Apple Final Cut Pro X (10.1.2) User Manual Page 125

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Chapter 7 Edityourproject 12 5
3 Choose Trim > Blade (or press Command-B).
The selected clips are cut at the skimmer position.
Note: If you don’t make a selection, this command acts only on the clip in the primary storyline.
Extend or shorten a clip
You can trim a clip in your project by adjusting the start point or end point of the clip.
The default type of trim in Final Cut Pro is a ripple trim, which adjusts a clip’s start point or end
point without leaving a gap in the Timeline. The change in the clips duration ripples outward,
moving all subsequent clips earlier or later in the Timeline.
Before edit
After edit
Similarly, if you delete a clip from the Timeline, subsequent clips ripple earlier to close the gap.
Ripple edits aect the trimmed clip, the position of all subsequent clips in the Timeline, and the
total duration of your project.
You can see a “two-up display in the Viewer as you trim edit points in the Timeline. This display
shows a more detailed view of each side of an edit point. For more information, see Show
detailed trimming feedback on page 137.
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