Apple MainStage User Manual Page 39

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Chapter 5 Working With Concerts 39
How Saving Affects Parameter Values
While a concert is open, any changes you make to channel strip or plug-in parameters
are retained for as long as the concert is open. If you change parameter values in a
patch, select another patch, and later select the first patch again, the parameter values
will be as you left them when you selected the other patch. If you save the concert, the
changed values are saved. If you close the concert without saving, the parameter
values revert to their last saved state when you reopen the concert.
If you decide not to keep your latest changes, you can revert a concert to its previously
saved state.
To revert a concert to its last saved state:
m Choose File > Revert Concert.
All the changes you’ve made since the last time you saved the concert are lost when
you revert the concert.
Using Tempo in a MainStage Concert
Some plug-ins available in MainStage, including delay and tremolo effects, synthesizer
LFOs, and the metronome, can require a specific tempo. You can set the tempo for a
concert, and change the tempo by selecting a patch or a set with its own tempo
setting. You can also change the tempo in real time by tapping a new tempo, or have
MainStage receive tempo changes from incoming MIDI messages.
When you open a MainStage concert, the tempo setting in the Concert Inspector is
used until you change the tempo by selecting a patch or set with its own tempo
setting, or by tapping a tempo. When you change the tempo, MainStage uses the new
tempo until you change it again, or until you close the concert.
You can set the tempo for a concert in the Concert Inspector, which appears in the
lower-left corner of the MainStage window when the concert icon is selected in the
Patch List. By default, the tempo for new concerts is set to 120 beats per minute (bpm).
To set the tempo for a concert:
1 In the Patch List, select the concert icon.
2 In the Concert Inspector, set the tempo using the Tempo value slider.
You can set the tempo in any of the following ways:
 Drag the numeric value up or down.
 Drag the numeric value left or right.
 Click the left or right arrow.
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