Chapter 3 The MainStage Interface 21
 Channel Strips area: View and edit the channel strips in your patches or at the
concert or set level. Channel strips appear in a vertical format similar to Logic Pro 8
channel strips, with many of the same controls. You can also add channel strips and
save channel strip settings.
The remaining two modes, Perform mode and Full Screen mode, are both optimized
for performing live. You can use either one when you perform.
Perform Mode
In Perform mode, the workspace fills the entire MainStage window. The Toolbar is
visible so that you can switch modes using the Mode buttons, use the Panic or Master
Mute buttons and the Tuner, and view CPU and memory levels and MIDI input in the
Activity Monitor. The browsers and inspectors are hidden to maximize the size of the
workspace, making screen controls larger and easier to read in onstage situations. You
can still access the Finder and switch to other applications in Perform mode.
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