Apple Color LaserWriter 12/600 PS User Manual Page 57

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The table below lists some basic PCONSOLE key commands.
Command key Description
Esc (Escape) Returns to the previous level
Del (Delete) Deletes a selected item
F7 Cancels changes
Alt-F10 Exits the program
Ins (Insert) Inserts a new item for a list
F1 Displays online help
Arrow keys Cycle through menu selections or entry fields
Step 2, option A: Setting up the printer as a print server
(using PCONSOLE)
There are five parts to setting up the LaserWriter 12/660 PS for
m Create a print server
m Create a printer
m Create a print queue
m Set your printer to PSERVER mode
m Tur n th e printer off and then back on to have the changes take effect
Create a print server
1 Restart the printer to print a startup page; then obtain the NetWare Printer Name.
This NetWare Printer Name is the name of the printer on a NetWare network.
It is also the default print server name.
at the NetWare file server’s console prompt to
ensure that the context has been set.
Be sure to write the context down, as it will be needed later.
3 Log in to the NetWare file server from a DOS client using the Admin account.
4At the DOS prompt, type
and press Enter.
Setting Up the Printer for Windows, DOS, and NetWare Users
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