Apple Color LaserWriter 12/600 PS User Manual Page 25

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Step 1: Installing the printer software
Do not “drag install” the printer software. If you do, the files
wont be properly decompressed and wont work.
Installing from the CD-ROM disc
1 Quit any programs you are running.
2 Turn off any automatic virus-detection programs you have on your computer.
If you dont, problems may occur during the installation. After installation is
complete, you can turn the virus-detection programs back on. (For
instructions on turning off each virus-detection program, see the manual that
came with the program, or telephone the manufacturer of the program.)
3 Insert the CD-ROM disc into the CD-ROM drive.
The discs icon appears on the desktop.
Note: Some systems require you to place the disc into a caddy before
inserting it into the CD-ROM drive.
4Double-click the disc icon to open the disk, if necessary.
5Double-click the MAC_OS folder, if necessary.
6Double-click the SOFTWARE folder, if necessary.
7Double-click the INSTALL folder, if necessary.
8 Read the Before You Install file to check for late-breaking news.
9Double-click the Installer icon to start the Installer program.
After a moment, a Welcome dialog box appears.
10 Click Continue.
After a moment, the Install dialog box appears. At the top of the dialog box is
a pop-up menu set to allow you to perform an Easy Install.
Easy Install installs all the software you need. It installs the LaserWriter 8
software, the Desktop PrintMonitor, and the Apple Printer Utility.
Setting Up the Printer for Mac OS Users
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