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Searching for Locations
You can search for locations in many ways—by address, intersection, area, landmark,
bookmark, contact, or zip code.
Find a location and see a map:
1 Tap the search eld to bring up the keyboard.
2 Type an address or other search information.
3 Tap Search.
A pin marks the location.
A location can include places of interest added by Google My Maps users (“User-
created content”), and sponsored links that appear as special icons (for example, ).
Zoom in Pinch the map with two ngers. Or double-tap
the part you want to zoom in on. Double-tap
again to zoom in even closer.
Zoom out Pinch your ngers apart on the map. Or tap the
map with two ngers. Tap with two ngers again
to zoom out further.
Pan or scroll Drag up, down, left, or right to view a dierent
part of the map.
See the location of an entry in your Contacts list: Tap at the top of the screen and
choose a contact.
The contact must include at least one address. If the contact has more than one
address, choose the one to locate. You can also tap an address in Contacts to nd
a location.
Chapter 12 Maps
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