Apple iPad iOS 4.2 User Manual Page 21

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Add a word to the dictionary: In Settings, choose General > Keyboard > Edit User
Dictionary. Tap +, tap the Word eld and enter the word, then tap the Yomi, Pinyin, or
Zhuyin eld and enter the input.
You can have a separate input for each, depending on the keyboards you’ve turned on.
Delete a word from the dictionary: Tap the word in the User Dictionary list, then tap
Delete Word.
Keyboard Layouts
You can use Settings to set the keyboard layouts for software and hardware keyboards.
The available layouts depend on the keyboard language.
Select a keyboard layout: In Settings, choose General > Keyboard > International
Keyboards, then select a keyboard. For each language, you can make separate
selections for both the onscreen software and any external hardware keyboards.
The software keyboard layout determines the layout of the keyboard on the iPad
screen. The hardware keyboard layout determines the layout of an Apple Wireless
Keyboard connected to iPad.
Chapter 1 At a Glance
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