Apple iPad iOS 4.2 User Manual Page 178

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Page view 177
searching 50
searching the web 50
security 15 5
sending webpage addresses in email 48
settings 15 4
stopping webpages from loading 48
syncing bookmarks 24, 27
typing in text elds 49
zooming webpages 47
satellite view 91
screen 143
brightness 13
setting to adjust automatically 143
using 13, 35
screen orientation 12
lock 12, 36
lock icon 12
lock status icon 10, 12
about 36
maps 88
webpages 47
SD Card Reader 60
search engine 15 4
App Store 108
calendars 79
global 41
iTunes Music Store 103
Mail messages 57
music 99
notes 86
the web 50
using Spotlight 42
webpage text 50
Wikipeida 42
YouTube videos 73
erase data after ten failed passcode attempts 147
features 44
Find My iPad 45
setting passcode 146
web 155
selecting text 17
email 53
photos from Photos 64
serial number, nding 144
service and support information 17 0
set up iPad 23
accessibility 15 0
accounts 151
alerts 81
auto-capitalization 149
auto-correction 17, 149
Bluetooth 145
brightness 143
Calendar 81
date and time 148
developer 155
email server 14 3
Fetch New Data 152
international 149
language 149
location services 145
Mail, Contacts, Calendars 151
Mail 151
music 15 6
passcode lock 146
Photos 157
Picture Frame 143
resetting 15 0
restrictions 147
Safari 15 4
screen brightness 143
security 15 5
sound 81
Store 157
usage statistics 144
video 15 6
VoiceOver 12 6
VPN 145
wallpaper 65, 143
Wi-Fi 141
photos in email messages 53
shuing songs 97
signatures, email 153
turning on or o 14 3
Simplied Chinese 19
sleep/wake button 8
settings 15 7
getting help 171
updating and restoring 164
version 144
adjusting alerts volume 14 4
adjusting volume 9
no sound 168
setting limit 15 6
Sound Check 15 6
sound eects 9
calendar alert 81
turning on or o 14 4
Speak Auto-text 13 8
SSL 151
status icons 10
Page view 177
1 ... 177 178 179 180 181

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