Apple 2009 MacBook Service Manual Page 13

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When replacing top case, do NOT attempt to put screws into the DVI port screw holes. This is a
common mistake and can damage the case.
When replacing keyboards, please note that the keyboard flex cables are quite delicate.
Antenna cables for AirPort Extreme Card are color coded to avoid incorrectly connected antennas.
When replacing thermal sensors be sure to put the sensor back in the same exact place you took it from.
Marking the location before removal with a marker is helpful.
Removing tape from Hard Drive must be done carefully because a torn drive label voids the hard drive
The rubber grommets and screws on a defective hard drive must be transferred to the replacement hard
Optical drives in the MacBook Pro models are quite delicate. Refer to the service manual for handling
JST Connectors were introduced with the MacBook Pro (2.4/2.2 GHz) models. You should use a
narrow probe to open these connectors. Review the service manual procedures before attempting to
take apart these systems for the first time.
When replacing the Logic Board, tape the Thermal Sensor Cable to Display Assembly to avoid
trapping it.
Do not flex the logic board at any time. This can crack solder joints - particularly at the narrow neck of
the fan cutout.
Do not hold the Logic Board horizontally when replacing it. Holding it horizontally can crack the
solder joints.
You must clean off thermal grease from the heatsink when replacing the Logic Board.
Each application of thermal grease to a heatsink contact point uses one-third of a syringe-full. Mark off
thirds on thermal grease syringe before applying the grease.
When replacing the Logic Board, follow the sequencing of screw replacement described in the service
On the MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz) models The Left I/O Board is new and has EMI mylar film
on the bottom. Do NOT remove the film.
When replacing the Display Assembly, verify AirPort Extreme, camera, trackpad, keyboard, and
keyboard backlight cables are connected. It is easy to forget one of these connectors when replacing the
Be careful not to allow screws and small metal parts near the MagSafe Connector.
Keep cards with magnetic stripes clear of the MagSafe Connector. Otherwise there is risk of data
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