Apple iPod touch Operations Instructions Page 47

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Chapter 6 Applications 47
Resize any column to fit the screen
m Double-tap the column. The column expands so you can read it more easily.
Double-tap again to zoom out.
Zoom in on part of a webpage
m Double-tap the part of the page you want to zoom in on. Double-tap again to
zoom out.
Zoom in or out manually
m Pinch to zoom in or out.
Scroll around the page
m Drag up, down, or sideways. When scrolling, you can touch and drag anywhere on the
page without activating any links. If you tap a link, you follow the link, but if you drag a
link, the page scrolls.
Scroll within a frame on a webpage
Use two fingers to scroll within a frame on a webpage. Use one finger to scroll the
entire webpage.
Jump to the top of a webpage
Tap the status bar at the top of the iPod touch screen.
Searching the Web
By default, Safari searches using Google. You can set it to search using Yahoo!, instead.
Search for anything on the web
1 Tap to go to the Google search field.
2 Type a word or phrase that describes what you’re looking for, then tap Google.
3 Tap a link in the list of search results to open a webpage.
Set Safari to search using Yahoo!
m From the Home screen choose Settings > Safari > Search Engine, then choose Yahoo!.
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