Apple POWERBOOK G4 User Manual Page 8

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- PowerBook G4 AirPort Card
7. Plug the antenna cable connector into the port, which is located just
below the plastic tab, on the end of the AirPort Card. Make sure the
connector is straight before inserting it into the card.
8. Push the AirPort Card down into its space until the antenna cable
connector is secured by the small antenna clip.
Route the antenna cable between the edge of the
computer and the AirPort Card. Verify that the cable is away from the
edge of the computer so that it will not be pinched during reassembly
and that it does not sag down into the PC card slot area (below the
AirPort Card). Take up any extra cable by tucking it in, where shown.
9. Fold the plastic tab on the AirPort Card over the top of the card.
The plastic tab must be folded over the card during the
installation of the bottom case, otherwise you will not be able to
securely attach the bottom case to the computer.
Antenna Cable
Tuck in here
if needed
Case Edge
Plastic Tab
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