Apple Macintosh PowerBook Internal Modem/Ethernet User Manual

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Setting up your modems connections
The PowerBook G3 Internal Modem is already installed in your PowerBook.
To use the modem you need
m the single-line telephone cord supplied with your PowerBook, which has a
two-wire RJ-11 connector at each end
m an analog telephone line with a modular jack
m (optional) the PowerBook G3 Internal Modem/Ethernet Adapter
(a Y-adapter that is supplied with your PowerBook) to use the modem
while connected to an Ethernet network
Connecting the telephone line to the modem
Follow these steps to connect the telephone line to the modem.
1 Open the cover on the computer’s back panel and check the label on the inside of the
cover to verify that your computer has the Ethernet/modem card.
Label showing icon for card
Connector for
or Ethernet card
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - Ethernet/modem

Setting up your modem’s connectionsThe PowerBook G3 Internal Modem is already installed in your PowerBook.To use the modem you needm the single-line t


6If your modem still has no dial tone, see the service and support information that camewith your computer for a number to call.7When the modem makes

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2 Locate the Ethernet cable that came with your computer (or an equivalent cable with amodular RJ-45 connector) and connect one end of the cable to th

Page 4 - Using your modem

124 Start up the PowerBook, if it is not already on.5 To use your Ethernet connection, open the AppleTalk control panel and choose Ethernetfrom the “C

Page 5 - Determining the speed

2 Locate the adapter that came with your computer and connect the single end of it to the card.3Attach the telephone cord and Ethernet cable to the ap

Page 6 - Choosing the port setting

Technical specificationsInternal standards complianceModemm ITU V21 300 bps Full-duplexm ITU V22 1200 bps Full-duplexm ITU V22 bis 2400 bps Full-duple

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Data communications standardsm 33600, 31200, 28800, 26400, 24000, ITU V.34 (ANNEX12)21600, 19200, 16800, 14400, 12000,9600, 7200, 4800, 2400 bpsm 1440

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Dialing capabilitym Tone/pulse dialingm Auto or manual dialing and answeringData transmission and formatm Full- or half-duplex operationm Asynchronous

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Macintosh PowerBookInternal Modem/EthernetUser’s manual for Macintosh PowerBook G3 computers

Page 10 - Ethernet/modem card label

K Apple Computer, Inc.© 1997 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part,

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Communications regulation information vSetting up your modem’s connections 1Connecting the telephone line to the modem 1Using your mo

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The label for the combination Ethernet/internal modem card shows the twoicons illustrated below. (Some models of the PowerBook have an Ethernet-only c

Page 13 - Ethernet connector

Setting up your Ethernet connection 10Connecting an Ethernet cable to the card 10Using Ethernet and a modem at the same time 12Techni

Page 14 - Technical specifications

Communications regulation informationFCC statementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital devicein ac

Page 15 - Data communications standards

VCCI Class 2 statementNotify your telephone companySome telephone companies require that you notify the local business office when you hook up amodem

Page 16 - Data transmission and format

The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, orprocedures that could affect the operation of your equipment. If th

Page 17 - Internal Modem/Ethernet

If you are using the adapter cable, plug it into the modem port. Then plug thetelephone line into the adapter, in the connector labeled with the telep

Page 18 - K Apple Co

Using your modemIt’s a good idea to become familiar with a modem’s general operations. Thissection explains what modems do and shows how to designate

Page 19 - Contents

Determining the speedA modem communicates with the computer to which it is connected (bymeans of a cable), and with another modem (by means of a telep

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6Software for your modemYour Macintosh PowerBook has modem software installed, includingprograms to connect to the Internet and to send and receive fa

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The Location window opens, like the one below.5 In the Port pop-up menu, choose Internal Modem.6 In the Type pop-up menu, choose PowerBook G3 Internal

Page 22 - Telephone line problems

Modem tips and troubleshootingIf your modem does not make a call or a connection, try these procedures.Make sure the modem is specified correctly in y

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Make sure the modem is communicating with the telephone line.Follow these steps to test the telephone connection.1 Open the Monitors & Sound contr

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