Apple Monochrome Monitor User Manual

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Apple Monochrome Monitor Specifications
Apple Monochrome Monitor: Specifications
I. Technical Specifications
A. Picture Tube:
-- 12-inch diagonal
-- Phosphor EIA Type: P4 (White)
-- High contrast
-- When used with Apple IIGS applications that generate color, it displays up to 16
shades of gray.
-- Anti-glare
-- Text display: 80 columns by 24 lines
B. Input Signal:
-- Composite synchronous negative 1.0 +/- 0.5 volts peak to peak,
internally terminated with 75 ohm resistor.
C. Scanning Frequencies:
System: NTSC/60 NTSC/50-PAL/50
1. Horizontal: 15.734 kHz 15.659 kHz
2. Vertical: 60 Hz 50Hz
D. Video Bandwidth:
-- Less than 3 DB down at 12 MHz.
E. Resolution:
1. Apple IIGS: 640 horizontal by 200 vertical pixels
2. Apple IIc: 560 horizontal by 192 vertical pixels
F. Active video display area:
-- Adjusted at the factory to produce an active video area of 215 mm horziontal by 160mm
-- Remainder of display area is used for border display area.
G. User Controls:
1. Power switch (right side)
2. Contrast (right side)
3. Brightness (back panel)
4. Vertical size (back panel)
5. Vertical hold (back panel)
H. Physical:
mm inches
1. Height: 255 10
2. Width: 310 12.3
3. Depth: 375 14.3
4. Weight: 8.8 kg 18 pounds
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Apple Monochrome Monitor Specifications www.Apple2Online Apple Monochrome Monitor: Specifications (Discontinu

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Apple Monochrome Monitor Specifications www.Apple2Online I. Electrical 1. Power Requirements: -- Less than 20

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