Apple Macintosh System 7.5 User Manual Page 14

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5Click Move to move potentially incompatible items out of the System Folder.
The Safe Install Utility creates a new folder on your hard disk named May
Not Work With System 7.5 and moves all potentially incompatible items from
the System Folder into this new folder.
To test individual items for compatibility after installation, see Appendix C,
“Testing for Compatibility,” in the Macintosh System 7.5 Upgrade Guide.
When the Safe Install Utility has finished examining your disks, you’ll see a
report on your screen. If you chose the detailed report, it includes
information about your application programs. The information is provided by
the companies that created the programs, which are responsible for its
6 To print your compatibility report, click Print.
7When you’re finished using the Safe Install Utility, click Quit.
Your compatibility report gives you specific instructions on what
you must do before you can install System 7.5. Be sure to follow all the
instructions. Most important, make sure that all security software and virus-
protection software has been turned off and that all potentially incompatible
items have been removed from the System Folder. Its also a good idea to back
up the information on your computers hard disk before you install new
system software.
Chapter 2
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