Apple Grr User Manual

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. .. Vs.
The Grappler'^'^'' Interface is a Centronics compatible
parallel interface for the Apple 11/11+ Computer. In
addition to advanced text features. It offers high
resolution dot graphics (HIRES) dump routines located in
firmware. These are easily invoked using simple control
There is no standardization among printer
manufacturers for dot graphics. Therefore, a specific
version of the Crappler interface was developed for
each type of printer. If you connect a printer to an
incorrect version of the Crappler, the text features
should still function properly. However, the graphics
commands wili have unpredictable results.
To install the Crappler, simply plug it into any slot
inside the Apple (except (S) as follows;
1 Turn off the power to the Apple. This is important to
prevent damage to the computer and the Crappler.
2. Connect the Crappler cable to the set ot pins on the
Crappler interface card. Make sure that all the pins
on the card go into the cable's matching holes. Also,
the cable should point away from the card (it will
only tit one way).
3. Remove the cover from the Apple. This is done by
pulling up on the cover at the rear edge (the edge
farthest from the keyboard) just until the two corner
fasteners pop apart. Don't lift the edge any further,
but instead slide the cover backward until it comes
4. Inside the Apple along the rear edge of the circuit
board, there is a series of eight long, narrow sockets
called "slots." The leftmost slot (looking at the
computer from the keyboard end) is slot »*'0. The
adjacent slot is slot *1 and this is where most Apple
programs expect the Croppler to be.
5. Be sure the power is off. Insert the Crappler card into
slot *1 (or any other slot except zero) with a gentle
rocking motion until fully seated.
6. Pass the cable through one of the vertical openings
in the back of the Apple case.
7. Replace the Apple's cover. Slide the front edge of
the cover into place, and then press down ori the
rear corners until they pop into place.
8. Connect the Crappler cable to the printer.
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - . .. Vs

. .. Vs.INTRODUCTIONThe Grappler'^'^'' Interface is a Centronics compatible parallel interface for the Apple 11/11+ Computer. In a


file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/The%20%20Rat/Desktop/Grappler%20Manual/ReadMe.txtFeel free to link to your Vintage Computer Websitescall_kirk@ho

Page 3

TEXT FEATURESBefore sending a character to the printer, the Grappler will check ttie SELECT and PAPER EMPTY status lines. If the printer is not "


CTRL-lnPCTRL-lnL Sei left margin to nth column. Allsubsequent printing will have n spaces a1 the start of each line. For example, w'hen using CTR

Page 5

appear like a negative photograph. Using this command will print the black portions of the screen as black on the paper allowing the picture to appear

Page 6

Page Length Character Counter Line Counter Current Cmd. Char.Text FlagsText Flag Bit Representations: (Bit 7 — Output high order bit)(Bit 6 — Video tu

Page 7 - “VISIPATCH”

The following programs allow you to test the graphics capability of the Grappler.For Applesoft Basic Users:5to20305060708090too110120130140150160TEXTH

Page 8 - Function

For Integer Basic Users:Line 3® should be typed with a CTRL-D between the quotes.Line 4® shouid be typed with a CTRL-1 betv/een the quotes.5 S='l


APPENDIX BDIP SWITCH SEniNGS FOR YOUR PRINTERAll printers must configure to a Centronics type parailel interface.ANADEX 950C5-95C}1All switches on S-3

Page 10

. ..•Jitefcy4-74LIMITED WARRANTYEvery GRAPPLER INTERFACE is fully tested and quality checked before shipment and is warranted to be free from defects

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